Last weekend mom and dad Shelwell came to visit. They arrived Friday lunch time, and we showed them the sights of Atamelang, including sundowners at Mofufutso.
On Saturday they got to experience basin-bathing in the kitchen (still too cold to shower outside) and then came with us to a Young Women’s Manyano Tea Party/Workshop to celebrate women’s day. That afternoon we all went to Die Watergat to watch rugby (less said about that the better) and had supper at the Delarey Restaurant, which was great. Sunday was a big day, as I was robed as a member of the Women’s Manyano.
The District President came all the way from JHB to robe me because I am a minister’s wife, and so get a cape which only the president can give. The circuit hosted a great meal afterwards, and there was much celebrating. It was quite special the way the people welcomed me into this organization.
Mom and Dad seemed to enjoy the weekend, and we loved having them.