Thursday, June 01, 2006

First post

So now we have a blog! But we're not terribly sure what to do with it yet...

For the next few months there is so much on the go here that I can't see this being a very busy site. Next year should be different though, when we are placed somewhere by the church and have a whole lot more to reflect on as newcomers to a profoundly different vocation and context.

So this is a bit premature, but we had to make sure David and Leesa didn't get to this domain first...


At 3:56 PM, Blogger digitaldion (Dion Forster) said...

Hi Mike and Kym! Gifts to the Church, that's what you are!

Now, a few things:

1. Why is a respectable 'Bishop' posting to his blog at 12.07 PM!? Surely there are better things to do at this strange hour?

2. Have either of you read "Spud" from John van de Ruit? I see that there is a Reverend Bishop in his book. Are either of you related!?

3. What is it like being married to a Bishop? Either of you can offer an answer to this one!

We shall have to mind our P's and Q's from now on! When we make those general statements like "The Bishops said ...." or, "I am so mad with the Methodist Bishop's....", we shall have to be clear which Methodist Bishops we are referring to!

Ha ha! Blessings friends!


At 4:24 PM, Blogger michael said...

Hey Dion

Serves me right for fiddling with the blog settings - it looks like you tried to post this note a whole bunch of times (note to self to stay away from the 'allow comment moderation' option, which in layman's terms apparently means don't publish without episcopal approval).

And the first post was published at 12:07 in New York / Baghdad or whatever timezone blogger defaults to before I'd set that too.

I think my mother's got a copy of Spud (she reads widely - we mostly meditate on those 40 sermons), but I'm pretty sure there haven't been any clergy in the Bishop family since the first guy we're all named after.

Being married to a bishop is wonderful. Surprised you had to ask.

At 8:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 3:12 PM, Blogger digitaldion (Dion Forster) said...

What kind of test? Are the assessment tools in keeping with the outcomes of the unit standard. In fact, now that I see this, is there even a unit standard for posting comments to a blog!

Work to do, work to do...

Now more testing man! You have to work!

At 8:23 PM, Blogger Matthew, David and Leesa said...

Dear "Digitaldion"
As a new reader of this site, I was puzzled to read your comments about the 'strange hour'. What is strange about the middle of the day? Or did you perhaps think that 12:07pm was in the morning? Perhaps Digitaldion's digital watch is not working? Just wondering...


At 11:31 AM, Blogger michael said...

Ah yes, my little brother thinks it is wise to provoke the man who decides whether or not Kym and I spend the next five years in Griquastad...

At 11:34 AM, Blogger Matthew, David and Leesa said...

Digitaldion is in charge? Who knew? How does he get to meetings on time? Oh wait, there I go again. But I hear Griquastad is lovely this time of year...

Sorry Digitaldion.... I am a worm and was probably adopted. No relation to Michael or Kym. Really.



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