Thursday, February 08, 2007

A Day in the Life...

We may have got off to a slow start, but the pace of life has definitely picked up, mainly due to our weekly trips into Soweto. Seeing as it forms much of what we do out here, we thought you might be interested to see what goes on.

We start off with a rather long drive on a Sunday afternoon after our services. But while it may be long, it definitely is pretty.

Yes, we are tourists in Soweto.

It really is an amazing place. It has a varied reputation, but we have been so impressed with how much is happening. There are all sorts of development projects and centres being built and there is an exciting vibe about the place.

We arrive at the centre Sunday evening and stay for lectures on Monday and Tuesday before heading back Tuesday evening. Monday evenings we head into central Jo'burg for a service at the church there.

The sleeping quarters are dorms, and I often feel like I am back on a youth camp. We enjoy seeing the other Phase One ministers, it’s a great group of people, and they feed us well at the centre.

Sana is one of the cooks and is an important person to be nice to!

So that’s Soweto.


At 2:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. I must lend you a video camera so that you can film a snippit of your life up there including your church, travel into Soweto and your neighbourhood. I would edit it and show Metro back home how you are doing. Let me know your thoughts. God Bless and take care. Ryan Zammit

At 4:45 PM, Blogger Debs said...

Well Ryan, I think that's a brilliant idea even if Mike and Kym don't. Kymmie, it's only like being back on camps if you get woken up by either a musical instrument playing really loudly, or lindo jumping on you!


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